Financial Aid for Studies Outside of the Community (FASOC)
1. Financial Contribution for First Qualification
Some students and learners need to pursue their training outside of their community, the Lower North Shore or Anticosti Island in order to obtain a first qualification (SSD, DVS, TCST, PWTC, TCSIA)[1] or an internship that is not available in their community. The Centre de services scolaire du Littoral (CSSL) wishes to financially support these learners of all ages by offering them a maximum annual amount of $2,800 distributed in two payments*:
- $1,400 for the 1st trip to the training of internship site and accommodation;
- $1,400 upon successful completion of training.
* Financial aid may be granted for a second consecutive year in the event of a long-term training or internship.
2. Conditions for Financial Aid
- First qualification for the student or learner;
- Training/internship program recognized by the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) and not offered in the community;
- Absence of financial aid from a government program (Services Québec, SAAQ, CNESST, CLPN, SFA from MEQ, etc.)[2];
- Full-time attendance;
- Regular attendance to training;
- Satisfactory academic results;
- Permanent residence on the territory of the Centre de services scolaire du Littoral;
- Financial Aid for Studies Outside of the Community Application Form completed and approved by the committee.
- Access to the financial aid for studies outside of the community is only available once in a person’s lifetime.
- In the event of a student’s or learner’s withdrawal or expulsion, financial aid ends immediately without any notion of arrears.
3. Application Procedure for Out-of-Community Study Financial Aid
- Register to the MEQ recognized training;
- Complete and sign the Financial Aid for Studies Outside of the Community Application Form available on the CSSL website;
- Attach the following documents:
- Proof of acceptance to the training/internship program;
- Proof of residence on the CSSL territory (driver’s license, electricity bill or other);
- Send the form and documents to the following email address: with FASOC in the subject line.
All applications for the financial aid for studies outside of the community will be reviewed by a committee formed by representatives of the CSSL’s youth and adult educational services.
4. Procedure for Payment of Financial Aid
First payment:
- Complete and sign the Payment Request Form available on the CSSL website;
- Attach the following documents:
- Proof of committee approval;
- Receipt for flight ticket (and boarding pass), boat ticket, gas or other;
- Proof of attendance;
- Void check.
- Send the form and documents to the following email address: with FASOC in the subject line.
Second payment:
- Complete and sign the Payment Request Form available on the CSSL website;
- Attach the following documents:
- Transcript or report card;
- Absence Report;
- Receipt for flight ticket (and boarding pass), boat ticket, gas or other;
- Send the form and documents to the following email address: with FASOC in the subject line.
5. Special Invitation to All Applicants
The Centre de services scolaire du Littoral wishes to promote student perseverance and is constantly looking for inspiring stories of school success. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that applicants include with their second payment request the following:
- A photo of the applicant in action during the training or internship program;
- A brief testimonial highlighting the benefits of pursuing studies.
By submitting these documents, the applicant authorizes the CSSL to use them in the promotion of student perseverance on its website.
- All applications to the financial aid for studies outside of the community must be submitted prior to the completion of the training or internship to be considered.
- All requests for payment must be submitted no later than 90 days after the end of the training or internship.
This procedure is effective as of July 1, 2022.
[1] Secondary School Diploma (SSD), Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS), Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade (TCST), PreWork Training Certificate (PWTC), Training Certificate in the Sociovocational Integration of Adults (TCSIA).
[2] Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), Commission locale des premières nations (CLPN), Student Financial Assistance (SFA).