
Accessibility policy

Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC)


The Special Needs Advisory Committee (SNAC) has the mandate to advise the Centre de services scolaire on the following:

  • Special Education Policy.
  • Allocation of financial resources to the services intended for those students.

The committee may also advise the school service center on the application of the individualized education plan to a handicapped student or a student with social maladjustments or learning disabilities.


  • Parents of students with special needs designated by the Parents’ Committee. Parent members must be in the majority (Consequently, there must be a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of ten (10));
  • Representatives of teachers, non-teaching professional staff and support staff, designated by the associations representing them at the school service centre and chosen from among those who provide services to students with special needs;
  • Representatives of organizations providing services to handicapped students or students with social maladjustments or learning disabilities, designated by the Administrator after consultation with these organizations;
  • School principal designated by the administrator;
  • The Administrator or his/her representative and the Director of Educational Services or his/her representative attend committee meetings, but do not have the right to vote.


RoleSchool/OrganizationName of member
ParentMgr-SchefferNancy Rémillard
Abbygail Wellman
Mountain Ridge
Tiffanie Conway
Christa Walsh
ParentSt-AugustineLydia Shattler
ParentMecatinaVacant Position
ParentHarringtonStephanie Hause
ParentSt-JosephJulie Dufour
ParentNetagamiouMarie Geneva Jones
ParentGabriel-DionneVacant Position
ParentKegaskaAshley Morency
Parents’ Committee RepresentativeComité de parentsKimberly Buffitt
Professional Staff (SPPNEQ)Centre St-TheresaTara-Lee Lavallée
Support Staff (SERF)Cassidy Purcell
Francophone Teaching Staff (SERF)Brigitte Gagnon
Anglophone Teaching Staff (LNSETA)HarringtonKeith Rowsell
Representative of Outside OrganizationCISSS de la Côte-NordDean Buckle
Representative of Outside OrganizationCoasters AssociationGabrielle Anderson
School PrincipalGabriel-Dionne/St-JosephKarine Dubé
Coordinator of Educational ServicesCentre St-TheresaKatia Tardif
Director of Educational ServicesCentre St-TheresaMarie Hamel
AdministratorCentre St-TheresaMarc-André Masse

Budgetary and Activity Report


Dyslexia and Dysorthographia




Trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA)


Trisomie 21