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Camille-Marcoux Foundation


Following the accidental death of Dr. Camille Marcoux in 1973, his parents and friends set up a foundation with the aim of perpetuating his generosity to the area and people of the Lower North Shore.

An initial capital of $15,000 was put together. Subsequently, the founding members dispersed, making it difficult to operate the Foundation. However, its activities really took off in 1979 when a Board of Directors was formed, made up of Lower North Shore residents.

In January 1995, the Docteur Camille-Marcoux Foundation broadened its role and became the official foundation of the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de la Basse-Côte-Nord. It therefore now has a social health role in addition to encouraging educational achievement through scholarship grants.

Since then, a number of scholarships between $300 and $750 each have been awarded to Lower North Shore students. The Foundation has also provided equipment to help users of the CISSSCN, point de service de la Basse-Côte-Nord, including home-care equipment.


The primary objective of the Foundation is to develop education and social health on the Lower North Shore. Specifically, its mission is to:

  • Support the development of human resources on the Lower North Shore by awarding scholarship grants in recognition of educational perseverance;
  • Support the CISSSCN, point de service de la Basse-Côte-Nord, in its projects aimed at improving services to users;
  • Gather, for the purposes mentioned above, funds and other assets through subscriptions, lottery ticket sales and donations;
  • Receive donations, legacies or other similar contributions as money, securities or real estate, manage these donations, legacies and contributions;
  • organize subscription drives, all in pursuit of the objectives mentioned above.